Our service to you
To offer you affordable call out and labour charges, and respond to your call as quickly as possible, during busy periods bookings are advised (weekends require prior arrangement). We aim to repair your commercial glasswasher, commercial dishwasher or ice machine on the first visit. If parts need to be ordered we will do our best to get your machine going with a temporary repair until the new parts are fitted (usually delivered to us the next day) subject to our suppliers stock.
Also servicing your commercial dishwasher, commercial glasswasher or ice machine is strongly advised every 6 months to reduce the risk of complete breakdowns (which usually happens at very busy periods i.e. weekends). System-Matic Ltd will arrange visits to an agreed schedule at times which are convenient for your organisation. Our engineers thoroughly check each machine and carry out any adjustments or repairs required - subject to pre approval if you wish. We also check on operating procedures and provide you with a written report for your machine/s.
The benefits are numerous - increased efficiency with correct procedures, lower long term operating costs, longer machine life, minimised disruption at peak times, and documented evidence of your commitment to ensuring high standards of hygiene at all times. Why not give us a try, call today on 08442 720 556 for a fast and friendly service.
We serve the following venues
Pubs, Bars, Clubs, Schools, Nursing Homes, Hotels, Cafe's, Industrial, Military, Restaurants, Day Nursery's, Offices, Diners, Cricket Clubs, Golf Clubs, Brewery's, Shops, Care Homes, Tea Rooms, Coffee Shops, Church Halls, Village Halls, Wine Bars, Conference Centers, Night Clubs .....etc etc
We service / repair many brands of machine
Adler, Amika, Aristarco, ATA, Barline, Barmaid, Bartisan, Barline, Brema, Breakline, Blue Seal, Chef-King, Classeq, Classic, Clenaglass, Clenaware, Colbert, Colged, Comenda, Crypto, Dawson, Dexion, DIHR, Dream, Electrobar, Electrolux, Elmwood, Elframo, Emperor, Energymiser, Euro electric, Eurotech, Faema, Glassmaster, Halcyon, Hilta, Hobart, Hoonved, Hoshizaki, Initial, Jemi, Kent, Kreft, Kromo, Lamber, Luxia, Luxor, Maidaid, Manitowoc, Meiko, Merlin, Merrychef, Metos, Nelson, Newscan, Nordian, Olis, Osprey, Platemaster, Parry, Phillips, Prodis, Project, Proline, Proton, Regent, Sammic, Sherwood, Silanos, Skivvy, Sovereign, Swash, Scotsman, Tavern, Tornado, Unimac, Washrite, Washtech, Wexiodisk, Whirlpool, Winterhalter, Zanussi
Leasing available from The Oxford Funding Company
Glasswashers start from £9.15 per week
Undercounter dishwashers start from £18.67
Passthrough dishwashers start from £30.52 per week
Ice machines start from £7.92 per week
Call us on 08442 720 556 for more details (or click the link)

Office Hours
Mon 09.00 - 17.00
Tue 09.00 - 17.00
Wed 09.00 - 17.00
Thurs 09.00 - 17.00
Sat 09.00 - 11.00
Sun Closed
Tel - office 08442 720 556
Mobile - 07545 144 546
Fax - 08442 726 856
Email - office@system-matic.com
Our Address
Unit 10 Courtyard Workshops
Bath Street
Market Harborough
LE16 9EW
Contact us
Need an engineer ?
Hard working equipment requires regular maintenance. The commercial dishwasher / glasswasher is one of the hardest working machines in the kitchen / bar - and plays a vital part in meeting hygiene standards. Protect this investment with a Planned Preventative Maintenance Contract - P P M . We arrange visits to an agreed schedule at times which are convenient for your organisation. Our engineers thoroughly check each machine and carry out any adjustments or repairs required - subject to preapproval if you wish. We also check on operating procedures and leave a written report for your machine/s.
The benefits are numerous ? increased efficiency with correct procedures, lower long term operating costs, longer machine life, minimised disruption at peak times, and documented evidence of your commitment to ensuring high standards of hygiene at all times. Contact us on 08442 720 556 or book online to repair or maintain your commercial dishwasher, commercial glasswasher or commercial Ice machine or for more information you can call us on 08442 720 556.